What are Water-Resistant Floors & Walls?

Water-resistant floors and walls are able to resist the penetration of water to some degree. Water-resistant floors and walls have properties that protect against water, but these floors are not waterproof, which is impervious to water. There are industry standards related to each. Water-resistant floors and walls will likely survive an encounter with water, but it will depend on the amount of water and how often the contact occurs.

What are the Benefits of Water-Resistant Floors & Walls?

There are several benefits to water-resistant floors.

Benefit highlights include:

  • Protecting floors against damage and costly repairs
  • Saving time due to replacement or repairs that would be needed without water-resistant flooring.
  • Protecting employees and visitors against safety hazards like buckled or broken floors.

Recommended Industries

Every industry can benefit from water-resistant floors and walls. For some industries they are vital.

Recommended industries include:

Recommended Products

All of our floors and walls are formulated to be water resistant. Our team of Territory Managers, Architectural and Engineering Representatives will assist you in finding the right floors and walls for your environment.

Recommended products include:



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